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<title>Timed Gain</title>
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<h1 class="firstHeading">Gain Timed</h1>
<p><img src="Gain_Timed.jpg" alt="" width="72" height="35" border="0" class="hcp1"></p>
<p>This gain control automatically raises or attenuates the signal over
a fixed, user set time. Four gain values can be set along with the time
for the gain control to reach this final value, beginning from the current
value on the fader. Each of these can be individually invoked. Invoking
any of the set gains will override any gain change currently taking place.</p>
<h2>Inputs and Outputs</h2>
<p>One audio input and one audio output.</p>
<h2>Control Panel</h2>
<p><img src="Timed_Gain_Panel.jpg" alt="" width="398" height="353" border="0" class="hcp1"></p>
<p><b class="hcp2">Gain Fader</b></p>
<ul type="disc">
<li class="p"><p>The gain fader moves while the change of gain is in
progress. Can also be used to manually adjust the gain from +10dB
down to -infinity (off) in the same manner as the basic <a href="Gain.html">gain</a>
<p><b class="hcp2">Mute Button</b></p>
<li>Mutes the output.</li>
<p><b class="hcp2">Polarity Button</b></p>
<li>Inverts the signal</li>
<p><b class="hcp2">Gain Set</b></p>
<li>Up to four final gain settings can be set either by entering the
values in the box or using the up/down spin pairs.</li>
<p><b class="hcp2">Time Set</b></p>
<li>Set how long it should take for each of the gains to reach their
final values, beginning from the current value on the fader.</li>
<p><b class="hcp2"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Fade</span>
<li>Press one of these buttons to start the associated timed gain.</li>
<p><b class="hcp2">Indicators</b></p>
<li>The indicator will flash on and off for a timed gain which has
been invoked until the gain fader reaches the final value. When no
gain change is taking place the indicators next to any of the gains
which are at the same value as the fader will be ON.</li>
<p><b class="hcp2">Cancel Fade Button</b></p>
<li>Press this to immediately stop the gain change.</li>
<p><b class="hcp2">Subrange</b>: The maximum and minimum
values the gain can control can be set to. This could be useful to prevent
clipping by limiting the maximum gain for example.</p>
<p><b class="hcp2">!</b> This object is capable of raising
signal levels beyond the clipping point, so care should be exercised when
using positive gain values.</p>