Writeup of lecture 11 about preemptive schedudling
@ -198,3 +198,124 @@ A transaction is a design framework for Damage Confinement and Error Recovery.
* **C**oncistency: Leaves the system in a consistent state when finished
* **C**oncistency: Leaves the system in a consistent state when finished
* **I**solation: Errors does not spread
* **I**solation: Errors does not spread
* **D**urability: Results are not lost
* **D**urability: Results are not lost
### Atomic Actions
**Resumption vs. Termination mode**
* If we continue where we were (e.g. after the interrupt) --> *Resumption*
* If we continue somewhere else (i.e. terminating what we where doing) --> Termination
**Async Notification (AN) = Low level thread interaction**
* Async event handling. ("Signals") (resumption)
* Modeled after a HW interrupt
* Can be sent to the correct thread
* Can be handled, ignored, blocked --> The domain can be controlled.
* Often lead to polling
* Could rather skip the signal and poll a status variable or a message queue
* Useless
* ATC --> Async transfer of Control (termination)
* Canceling threads
* setjmpt/longjmp could convert signals to ATC (not really, but still)
* ADA: a strictured mechanism for ATV is integraded with the selected statement
* RT Java: A structured mechanism for ATC is integraded with the exception-handling mechanism
#### Cancelling threads
**Yes, killing threads is ATC!**
* Can make termination model by letting domain be a thread
* "Create a `doWork` thread, and kill it if the action fails"
* Ca still control domain by disabling "cancelstate"
**But, but, but: It leaves ut in undifined state!?**
* Not if we have...
* Full control over changed state (like logs or recovery points) or some other way of recovering well.
* A lock manager that can unlock on behalf of killed thread
* Some control of where we were killed (like nok in the middle of a lock manager or log call)
* An this is what we have!
## Shared variable synchronization
### Non-Preemptive scheduling
Controlling a pump filling a tank.
* Every second: measure the water level of the tank and generate the reference to the pump
* 10 times a second: Set the power of the pump motor
* Do some GUI: let the human control the process
#### A trivial solution: "Cyclic Exectutive"
{% highlight c %}
oldTime = now();
i = 0;
while(true) {
i = i + 1;
if (i % 10 == 0) {
i = 0;
do {
} while(now() < oldTime + 0.1);
oldTime = oldTime + 0.1;
{% endhighlight %}
* OK tasks?
* Timing hard to tune (what if pump sampling should be $\pi$/10?)
* Overload (what if `calucaltePumpReference` uses more than 1/10 seconds?)
* How to add new tasks? (Everything is coupled)
* Waste of time in the do-loop?
* What is priority of `handleUserEvents`?
* How are erros, exceptions, alarms etc. handled?
#### Better soulution with Non-preemptive scheduler
* *3 taskts* administered by a scheduler
* The scheduler takes care of who runs and timing
* Scheduler often inculuded in OSes
* Introducing priorities
{% highlight c %}
* scheduler_registerThread(function, time, priority)
* Higher priority numer means higher priority in scheduler
main() {
scheduler_registrerThread(controlPump, 0.1, 3);
scheduler_registrerThread(calculatePumpReference, 1, 2);
scheduler_registrerThread(handleUserEvents, 0.2, 1);
{% endhighlight %}
**Some notes on priorities**
* Priority is generally not important; rather, the main rule is to give higher priority to shorter-deadline tasks.
* This allows tasks to reach its deadlines.
* ... but this is not always the case - if e.g. the tasks are cooperating
* We still handle overload badly
* And: What connection between deadline and priority to start with?
* Is this a good dependency seen from a code quality perspective?
### Pros and cons of nonpreemptive scheduling
| **Pros** | **Cons** |
| :--------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Simple, intuitive, predictable | C macro hell |
| No kernel | Threads must cooperate <-- a form of dependency breaking module boundaries |
| Fast switching times | Heavy threads must be divided |
| Some elegant sunchronization patterns possible | Can we handle blocking of library functions? |
| | Unrobust to errors |
| | Unrobust to (heavy) error handling |
| | Hard to tune at end of project |
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