
119 lines
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#include "cannonball.h"
#include "std_lib_facilities.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "utilities.h"
double acclY()
return -9.81;
double velY(double initVelocityY, double time)
return initVelocityY + acclY() * time;
double posY(double initPosition, double initVelocity, double time)
return initPosition + initVelocity * time + (acclY() *pow(time, 2)) / 2;
double posX(double initPosition, double initVelocity, double time)
return initPosition + initVelocity * time;
void printTime(double time)
int minSec = 60;
int hourSec = pow(minSec, 2);
int hours = time / hourSec;
int timeLeft = time - hours * hourSec;
int minutes = timeLeft / minSec;
timeLeft = timeLeft - minutes * minSec;
cout << hours << " hours, " << minutes << " minutes, " << timeLeft << " seconds" << "\n";
double flightTime(double initVelocityY)
return (-2 * initVelocityY) / acclY();
void getUserInput(double& theta, double& absVelocity)
double deg;
cout << "Angle of velocity: ";
cin >> deg;
theta = degToRad(deg);
cout << "Velocity: ";
cin >> absVelocity;
double degToRad(double deg)
return deg * M_PI / 180;
double getVelocityX(double theta, double absVelocity)
return absVelocity * cos(theta);
double getVelocityY(double theta, double absVelocity)
return absVelocity * sin(theta);
void getVelocityVector(double theta, double absVelocity, double& velocityX, double& velocityY)
velocityX = getVelocityX(theta, absVelocity);
velocityY = getVelocityY(theta, absVelocity);
double getDistanceTraveled(double velocityX, double velocityY)
return posX(0, velocityX, flightTime(velocityY));
double targetPractice(double distanceToTarget, double velocityX, double velocityY)
return abs(distanceToTarget - getDistanceTraveled(velocityX, velocityY));
void playTargetPractice(int rounds)
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(nullptr)));
bool won = false;
double theta, absVelocity; // Initial angle and velocity
double initX, initY; // Initial velocities, in component-form
double fTime;
double distance;
int target = randomWithLimits(100, 1000);
for (int r = 1; r <= rounds; ++r)
getUserInput(theta, absVelocity);
getVelocityVector(theta, absVelocity, initX, initY);
cout << "The cannonball flew " << getDistanceTraveled(initX, initY) << " meters" << endl;
distance = targetPractice(target, initX, initY);
cout << "The cannonball is " << distance << " meters away from target" << endl;
if (distance <= 5)
won = true;
if (distance < 0)
cout << "The shot wat too short" << endl;
cout << "The shot was to far" << endl;
if (won)
cout << "Congratulate, you have won!" << endl;
cout << "Sorry, game over!" << endl;