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2022-03-31 21:23:57 +02:00
#include <vslc.h>
/**Generate table of strings in a rodata section. */
void generate_stringtable ( void );
/**Declare global variables in a bss section */
void generate_global_variables ( void );
/**Generate function entry code
* @param function symbol table entry of function */
void generate_function ( symbol_t *function );
/**Generate code for a node in the AST, to be called recursively from
* generate_function
* @param node root node of current code block */
static void generate_node ( node_t *node );
/**Initializes program (already implemented) */
void generate_main ( symbol_t *first );
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b)) ? (a):(b))
static const char *record[6] = {
"%rdi", "%rsi", "%rdx", "%rcx", "%r8", "%r9"
generate_program ( void )
/* TODO: Emit assembly instructions for functions, function calls,
* print statements and expressions.
* The provided function 'generate_main' creates a program entry point
* for the function symbol it is given as argument.
// TODO: Implement
// - Generate string table
// - Declare global variables
// - Generate code for all functions
// - Generate main (function already implemented) by assigning either the
// function named main or the first function of the source file if no
// main exists.
generate_stringtable ( void )
/* These can be used to emit numbers, strings and a run-time
* error msg. from main
puts(".intout:\t.asciz \"\%ld \"");
puts(".strout:\t.asciz \"\%s \"");
puts(".errout:\t.asciz \"Wrong number of arguments\"");
// TODO: Implement the rest
generate_global_variables ( void )
// TODO: Create a .bss section and declare global variables
generate_function ( symbol_t *function )
// TODO: Generate code for declaring and entering function, then generate its body
generate_node ( node_t *node )
// TODO: Generate code corresponding to node
/**Generates the main function with argument parsing and calling of our
* main function (first, if no function is named main)
* @param first Symbol table entry of our main function */
generate_main ( symbol_t *first )
puts ( ".globl main" );
puts ( ".section .text" );
puts ( "main:" );
puts ( "\tpushq %rbp" );
puts ( "\tmovq %rsp, %rbp" );
printf ( "\tsubq\t$1,%%rdi\n" );
printf ( "\tcmpq\t$%zu,%%rdi\n", first->nparms );
printf ( "\tjne\tABORT\n" );
printf ( "\tcmpq\t$0,%%rdi\n" );
printf ( "\tjz\tSKIP_ARGS\n" );
printf ( "\tmovq\t%%rdi,%%rcx\n" );
printf ( "\taddq $%zu, %%rsi\n", 8*first->nparms );
printf ( "PARSE_ARGV:\n" );
printf ( "\tpushq %%rcx\n" );
printf ( "\tpushq %%rsi\n" );
printf ( "\tmovq\t(%%rsi),%%rdi\n" );
printf ( "\tmovq\t$0,%%rsi\n" );
printf ( "\tmovq\t$10,%%rdx\n" );
printf ( "\tcall\tstrtol\n" );
/* Now a new argument is an integer in rax */
printf ( "\tpopq %%rsi\n" );
printf ( "\tpopq %%rcx\n" );
printf ( "\tpushq %%rax\n" );
printf ( "\tsubq $8, %%rsi\n" );
printf ( "\tloop PARSE_ARGV\n" );
/* Now the arguments are in order on stack */
for ( int arg=0; arg<MIN(6,first->nparms); arg++ )
printf ( "\tpopq\t%s\n", record[arg] );
printf ( "SKIP_ARGS:\n" );
printf ( "\tcall\t_%s\n", first->name );
printf ( "\tjmp\tEND\n" );
printf ( "ABORT:\n" );
printf ( "\tmovq\t$.errout, %%rdi\n" );
printf ( "\tcall puts\n" );
printf ( "END:\n" );
puts ( "\tmovq %rax, %rdi" );
puts ( "\tcall exit" );