lang: no_NB url: # Config for your profile. title: GLaDOS # Site title name: Øyvind Skaaden # Your name author: Øyvind Skaaden avatar: /theme/img/avatar.jpg # Path to an avatar image description: Personlig nettside for Øyvind Skaaden. description_long: Personlig nettside for Øyvind Skaaden. Inneholder alt av stæsj jeg holder på med på fritiden. # The theme uses the baseurl throughout, which is useful for running the entire # site under a subdir, like for this GitHub Pages deployment as a project site. #baseurl: "/friday-theme" # Outputting permalink: /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title/ # Conversion markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge excerpt_separator: kramdown: parse_block_html: true toc_levels: 1..4 # Add a directory to hold misc pages, just to keep the root directory clean. include: ["_pages", "_portfolio"] # Wire in the SASS files in the theme directory. sass: sass_dir: theme/_sass style: compressed # Move all content to a seperate folder for cleanes #collections_dir: content # Turn the projects into a collection. collections: projects: output: true title: Projects permalink: /:collection/:name/ portfolio: output: true title: portfolio permalink: /:collection/:name/ defaults: # Turn the profile sidebar on for all pages by default, except for the # collections, where it is off and replaced by useful things on the sidebar. # To override this one a page, use # show_profile: false # to hide the profile. - scope: path: "" values: show_profile: true - scope: path: "_posts" values: show_profile: false layout: defaults/post - scope: path: "_portfolio" values: show_profile: false layout: defaults/portfolio - scope: path: "_projects" values: show_profile: false layout: defaults/project - scope: path: "list" values: show_profile: false layout: defaults/list - scope: path: "courses/*" values: show_profile: false layout: defaults/lecture github: is_project_page: true repository_url: repository_nwo: oyvindskaaden/ is_user_page: true owner_name: Øyvind Skaaden owner_url: