The Watermark Object is used to add a watermark to the layout window, configuration window or custom control panels. A watermark is created by dropping a bitmap from the gallery, a company logo for example, on to the watermark frame. Select the watermark and click on the Gallery Menu to add the watermark to the gallery. This can now be dropped onto a custom control panel by holding CTRL whilst dragging it from the gallery onto the panel. Right clicking on the watermark in the gallery and selecting "Make Default Background" will make the watermark the default for all further new control panels.
Lock Object
With this set to Yes, the object cannot be moved.
Show Object Name
When set to yes displays the object name.
Object Name
Sets the name of the object.
Transparent Background
Turns the background colour on and off.
Background Colour
Sets a background colour for the watermark object.
Vertical Alignment
Sets the vertical position of the bitmap within the watermark objects borders. Choose between top, centre and bottom.
Horizontal Alignment
Sets the horizontal position of the bitmap within the watermark objects borders. Choose between left, centre and right.
Image Repeat
If set, the bitmap image within the watermark will repeat in the direction selected starting at the vertical and horizontal alignment point.