VSLC := ../src/vslc AS := gcc # This updated makefile calls the relevant print for each assignment # The added target compile will attempt to compile all vsl source files, # for ps5 and ps6. Other programs are mostly not interesting after the their # targeted assignment. # Call `vslc -h` to see the available flags, and call `vslc [flags] < file.vsl` # to compile a single file. PS2_EXAMPLES := $(patsubst ps2-parser/%.vsl, ps2-parser/%.ast, $(wildcard ps2-parser/*.vsl)) PS3_EXAMPLES := $(patsubst ps3-simplify/%.vsl, ps3-simplify/%.sast, $(wildcard ps3-simplify/*.vsl)) PS4_EXAMPLES := $(patsubst ps4-symtab/%.vsl, ps4-symtab/%.sym, $(wildcard ps4-symtab/*.vsl)) PS5_EXAMPLES := $(patsubst ps5-codegen1/%.vsl, ps5-codegen1/%.S, $(wildcard ps5-codegen1/*.vsl)) PS6_EXAMPLES := $(patsubst ps6-codegen2/%.vsl, ps6-codegen2/%.S, $(wildcard ps6-codegen2/*.vsl)) PS5_OBJECTS := $(PS5_EXAMPLES:.S=.bin) PS6_OBJECTS := $(PS6_EXAMPLES:.S=.bin) # OBJECTS := $(PS5_OBJECTS) $(PS4_EXAMPLES:.sym=.bin) $(PS3_EXAMPLES:.sast=.bin) $(PS2_EXAMPLES:.ast=.bin) OBJECTS := $(PS5_OBJECTS) $(PS6_OBJECTS) all: clean $(PS2_EXAMPLES) $(PS3_EXAMPLES) $(PS4_EXAMPLES) $(PS5_EXAMPLES) $(PS6_EXAMPLES) ps2: $(PS2_EXAMPLES) ps3: $(PS3_EXAMPLES) ps4: $(PS4_EXAMPLES) ps5: $(PS5_EXAMPLES) %.ast: %.vsl $(VSLC) -t -q < $^ > $@ 2> $@ %.sast: %.vsl $(VSLC) -T -q < $^ > $@ 2> $@ %.sym: %.vsl $(VSLC) -s -q < $^ > $@ 2> $@ %.S: %.vsl $(VSLC) < $^ > $@ # This target is only tested on x86-linux %.bin: %.S $(AS) -no-pie -o $@ $^ ps5-compile: $(PS5_OBJECTS) ps6-compile: $(PS6_OBJECTS) compile: $(OBJECTS) clean: -rm -r */*.ast */*.sast */*.sym */*.bin */*.S